Chocolates Valor

Committed to society and our environment

We work every day with the commitment to reduce our environmental impact throughout the production process and through responsible sourcing.


In Valor chocolates we use a selection of some of the best cocoas in the world, with which we have been preparing our secret recipe for more than 140 years.

This allows us to produce high-quality chocolate with a unique taste and aroma.

In Valor chocolates we use a selection of some of Cocoa is our main raw material and our duty is to source it responsibly so that it helps to improve the living conditions of cocoa producers at source.

All the cocoa beans we use originating from African countries is LID cocoa.


Do you know what LID Cocoa is ?

LID are the initials for Living Income Differential, a tax which is applied by some cocoa producing countries such as Ghana and The Ivory Coast and which permits improvements in the well-being of the cocoa producers in both countries.

  • Selection of some of the best cocoas in the world
  • "Sustainable/Responsible Sourcing
  • We focus on local suppliers
  • Local almonds
  • We minimize our carbon footprint

Mediterranean Almond

The whole Mediterranean almond is the ingredient used in the recipe of many of our most well-known products. We use Mediterranean almonds of a specific caliber to achieve a unique taste sensation and the perfect pairing with our chocolate. We opt for nearby suppliers, so that all our almonds are local ones. In addition, this allows us to minimize our carbon footprint. Once the almonds arrive at our facilities, we toast them to obtain the desired aroma and taste:

Energy efficiency and Emissions

We are committed to reducing both our energy consumption throughout the whole production process and our carbon footprint during the transport of our products

We are aware that natural gas is the fossil fuel with the lowest CO2 emissions and therefore cleaner. For this reason our plants in Villajoyosa and Ateca use this source of energy

We currently have photovoltaic panels which allow us to generate energy from sunlight.

"The energy generated daily is equivalent to the energy required for lighting and for the climate control of our offices during the day".

We substitute old machinery for new machinery with greater energy efficiency

The carbon footprint generated during the transport of our finished products has been reduced since 2016 by more than 35% . ( CO2/ kg transported )

We exhaustively study the environmental impact of our containers and packaging, taking into account technical aspects of the material, location of our suppliers, etc.

We measure our carbon footprint from our packaging to the manufacture and distribution of our products, in order to set actions to reduce it.

We return water to the environment in good condition

  • In our Villajoyosa production plant we treat the water used in our production processes in our own purifying facility.
  • In our Ateca production plant we recirculate the cooling water, which represents a 60% reduction in the annual water consumption.


We are aware of the importance of the correct use of one of the most important resources of the planet, namely water.


Our procedures include a thorough analysis of the degree
of recyclability of our packages and packaging. Going beyond the fulfillment of the 2030 agenda, we make great efforts every day to progress towards more sustainable materials, improve the recyclability of all our packaging and avoid plastic whenever possible

We work to improve our packaging by using recyclable and more sustainable materials

20% of the investment made recently in our plant recently has been destined to machinery which allows us to change some of our plastic packages for carton ones

In our network of Chocolaterías Valor we use, as much as possible, recycled and recyclable materials.

Waste and food loss

We work on the reduction of food loss

During the period 2020-2021 we managed to reduce the amount of waste generated by 15%

Product which is in perfect condition but which we cannot market is used for social and charitable causes

In 2 years we have doubled the amount of product destined to these types of initiatives.

We eliminate plastic glasses and bottles.

In our facilities we substitute plastic glasses and bottles with fountains and reusable bottles

We reduce the use of paper in our plants.

We adapt our computer system of the production plants with the aim of reducing the use of paper.


People are an indispensable part of the value chain of the company.

Safety at work:

Safety at work Above all else, our main aim is to achieve zero accidents, continue improving the working conditions of our staff and eliminate safety risks at work.

People development:

We strive to continue being a company where our professionals can develop their talent and be valued; by providing the necessary tools for their professional growth, fomenting training and their professional development.

Work-life balance:

We want to foster the balance between the working life and family life of our employees, providing them with a series of measures designed to facilitate and improve flexibility and work-life balance.